Photo by Jake Lewis
Hi! I’m Eva.
I'm an adventure photographer and writer who LOVES the outdoors. Hiking, surfing, snowboarding, climbing, kayaking, sailing, you name it, I’ve either tried it, love it, or it’s on my list.
I want to provide as much information about every adventure, gear item, and unique vacation rental as I possibly can so you not only have the materials for and feel confident about heading out on some of these adventures yourselves, but also how to do so sustainably, acknowledging and respecting the land and each other, and contributing to the outdoors community in a positive and inclusive way. We’re all in this together, am I right?
With that said, I hope, if nothing else, you find inspiration among these pages. Inspiration to experience nature, take a walk outside and take a deep breath, to leave no trace, to contribute to a welcoming and supportive outdoorsy community, and get lost in it.
Let’s GET IT!
Why Wander in RAW?
Raw is the file format on your camera that captures ALL of the information recorded by the sensor when you take a photo, giving you the highest quality, maximum brightness, and the most detail in every photograph. I like to apply the same notions to my life.